key security

Security Is Key: How To Keep Company Keys Secure

Keys remain a reliable way of locking doors and operating vehicles. Making sure that these keys don’t fall into the wrong hands is essential. But what if you’re a company with lots of different keys to manage? What is the best way to keep all of these keys secure?

There are a few different key management habits that could be worth adopting. This post delves into them.

Security Is Key

Start by checking locks are secure

There’s no point in going to the trouble of safeguarding keys if your locks are easy to break open. Doors with standard latching locks and cheap padlocks are known to be easy to pick – an experienced thief won’t need a key to enter them. 

Modern deadbolt locks and premium padlocks are much harder to break into without a key. These are the types of locks that you want to be using around your premises. 

Only hand out keys to those you trust

When handing out keys to employees or cleaners, you need to make sure that you fully trust these people. There have been cases of employees or cleaners working with criminals to organize burglaries or vehicle theft. 

You can prevent this from happening to you by thoroughly screening new employees or cleaning companies. This is particularly important when hiring employees like janitors who will have access to lots of keys. Check for a criminal background using a background check platform and collect references from past employers..

Alternatively, you can only give keys to your most loyal and dependable employees. This could mean that new employees do not have access to certain areas or must wait for a trusted key holder to open up the premises in the morning. Meanwhile, when outsourcing cleaners, some companies only allow cleaners to come in during working hours when there are already people in the building, instead of giving keys to cleaners to carry out cleaning out of hours. 

Use a key cabinet

A key cabinet can be used for storing lots of different keys – keeping them organized and secure. Such cabinets may be accessed via a digital lock, which then provides an added layer of security.

Key cabinets are a popular vehicle key management system for car dealerships or companies with fleets. They are also commonly used by hotels or storage unit companies. Some cabinets are more secure than others or may be able to store more keys, so it’s worth taking the time to compare solutions.

Use a key safe

It’s possible to place a key safe on a wall outside a property or a room. This is usually accessed by a code.

Instead of multiple people each being given separate keys, a key safe can enable multiple people to share one key. Not having to cut multiple keys can save you money and reduce the risk of keys getting lost and falling into the wrong hands. Instead, you simply share a code with authorized personnel. Some digital safes may allow you control to change this code whenever you want.

Explore alternatives to keys

Your traditional key and lock is just one form of access control. Many modern businesses use other forms of access control – either as a second layer of security or as a replacement for keys. 

Some of the alternatives to keys include:

  • Key cards: Handing out key cards could be a more secure option. Unlike keys, cards can be remotely deactivated if they get lost. You can also store digital information on when they are used to check for suspicious behavior. 
  • Key fobs: Key fobs work similarly to key cards and can also be remotely deactivated, as well as allowing you to track user information. 
  • Combination locks: These locks require a user to enter a three or four-number combination.
  • Passcode keypads: Passcode keypads may allow for even more complex codes – which may include numbers of letters.
  • Biometric passwords: This involves scanning parts of the body to enable entry such as scanning one’s fingerprint on a pad or scanning one’s face with a camera. 
  • Smart locks: Smart locks can only be accessed by entering a code or biometric password into an app.
  • Intercom systems: This involves using a voice or video intercom to contact an authorized individual who then pushes a button to allow entry.

Consider a master key

If you decide to stick with traditional locks, you could consider the option of getting a master key cut. This is a key that can access any lock in a building. 

This gives you access to anywhere without having to cut lots of keys. This can be useful if keys get lost and you don’t have a spare. However, it’s imperative that you keep this master key safe – if a criminal gets hold of this key, they have access to every single lock in the building.