
11 Reasons Why Creatives Thrive at Videography

You have always been a creative person from the moment you could remember. As a child, you were the type that would save up as many scraps of paper as possible and put together your very own art projects as often as you could. Whether you read books, write poems, or take photographs in your spare time, it was clear to you that a career in the creative industry was going to be your future. Becoming a videographer may seem like the ideal pathway for you to take, especially if you have a keen eye for detail and some experience in this sector. As a creative it can be very easy to go back and forth between job roles until you find something that truly lights a fire inside you, so how can you be sure that you’re going to thrive? There are a number of reasons why creatives make brilliant videographers; it’s a career path that many artists consider at some point along the way. Whether you’re trying to tell a story via your online presence, or you are passionate about helping small businesses with marketing projects, there are so many reasons why you might choose videography as your forever career.

If you’re still on the fence as to whether this would be a well-suited career path for you, you may want to consider the eleven reasons mentioned below. Not all of them will be relevant to you and your circumstances at this moment in time, but many of them are bound to resonate with you and provide you with some clarity if you are hoping to make it as a videographer at some stage in your working life.

11 Reasons Why Creatives Thrive at Videography  

1-They’re Open Minded

There is so much freedom and expression involved with the art of video creation, so it certainly takes an open-minded person to take on any task that is handed to them. When you’re given a brief from a person, business owner or another client you will need to adapt to their vision and put some of your own personal preferences to the side. Having complete creative freedom over the project may not always be possible, but having an open mind will allow you to get on with your job without feeling too inhibited during the process. Luckily, creatives are some of the most open-minded people who are always willing to embrace changes around them.

2-They’re Willing to Learn

As a professional videographer, your work will never truly be done when it comes to expanding your knowledge and learning new things. One of the main learning elements you will need to stay ahead of is new technology and equipment. For example, if you’re looking for a cutting-edge DJI Drone to work with on your next project, you will need to spend time getting used to it and playing around with everything it has to offer. Although it can take time to get your head around certain features, it’s certainly one of the most exciting and fulfilling aspects of being a videographer. Always being at the epicenter of new gadgets is where many creatives thrive as it continually opens up new potential and possibilities.

3-They’re Excellent Networkers

Getting to know people in your industry and networking with the right types of clients is where many creative professionals thrive. They’re friendly, personable, and enthusiastic about expanding their circle. Keeping an eye out for networking events and other opportunities will help you connect with the right people so that you can continue to expand your business network positively.

4-They Don’t Mind Playing the Long Game

Most creatives are extremely patient people and are understanding of what it takes to achieve their own version of success. Playing the long game is paramount when it comes to starting your own videography business or becoming an established videographer in your sector. Working your way up the ranks, taking on gigs you wouldn’t normally do, and assisting on shoots is something that everyone has to do in order to achieve their goals.

5-They’re Open to Forming Industry Friendships

Having friends in the creative industry is so important if you want to create your own little community of people who are helpful and encouraging. Teamwork makes the dream work especially in the eyes of a busy videographer. One day when your industry friend is unavailable for a shoot, they might recommend you and there you will land jobs without even having to do the leg work. Putting in time and effort with people who are on your wavelength will give you a great support system and it will eventually turn into your own little team of recommenders too!

6-They Enjoy New Opportunities

There are so many incredible opportunities available to you when you choose the life of a videographer. Gone are the days of being stuck behind a desk in a stuffy office; you are most likely going to be out and about and seeing new places. You never quite know where your next job will take you, whether you’re sticking to local shoots in your hometown or heading to another country. 

7-They Love the Rewarding Feeling At the End of a Project

Creatives are such an interesting type of person because they can put their blood, sweat, and tears into a passion project of theirs simply because of the feeling they get once it’s completed. Videographers in particular carry a love-hate relationship with their job, especially when it comes to editing their final work. Once they have completed the full shoot and edit, they will experience a euphoric feeling that everything they’ve worked hard on has been completed.

8-They’re Extremely Flexible

The job of a videographer can involve a lot of adapting on the spot, especially during the most difficult of circumstances. There might be some moments when you have to take on the role that goes above and beyond a videographer; luckily creatives are always willing to step in.

9-They Don’t Mind the Unsociable Hours

The majority of creatives would consider themselves to be so-called night owls who cope quite well with long hours and late nights. It can be very tough to get through these stints, but it’s often rewarded with a bit of well-deserved time off at the end of a taxing project.

10-They’re Extremely Hard Workers

It goes without saying that creatives are innately hard workers who are always keen to go the extra mile for their work. Your body and mind is going to be busy and strained for most of the days when you’re working, so it’s important to get plenty of rest in between shoots to help rebuild your energy levels. Getting stuck in and being in the trenches is part of the fun of this industry.

11-They’re Excellent Communicators

Communication is key when you’re a videographer as it allows everything to come together into one cohesive unit. You’ll not only have to talk with your client, but you’ll also have to make sure everyone on set can carry out their role to the best of their ability. There might also be difficult customers that you’ll have to deal with from time to time, which can easily be talked around with the right outlook and communication.


To Conclude

As a videographer, you will be putting many of your skills to use all at the same time. Being good at something may not necessarily make it a smooth and seamless path from the outset. There may be rocky moments that you have to deal with along the way too. However, if you truly believe in your skillset and have what it takes to become a passionate, dedicated and talented videographer, there is truly nothing stopping you from making that happen right away!



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